A fully thriving AUTHENTIC YOU is the standard we hold for you while in our care. Our mission is to create a holistic health care system that sees every individual with their own unique healing journey. In our modern society, we are constantly overloaded with emotional, chemical, and physical STRESSORS leaving us feeling exhausted, in pain, anxious and/or depressed. Too often, the only medical advice we get involves lumping us into a common diagnosis and medication to mask our pain. This NOT manipulative care, If you need a Chiropractor for this we will refer you to trusted colleagues.
When you come to Magnolia, We Incorporate SSS.
Safety - where you are right now in this present moment.
Stretch- when you are ready to breakthrough to the next level
Sustain- how we support your nervous system to maintain this new level as a baseline
And the cycle continues . . .
Your Nervous System has the intelligence to learn and grow. Every day new stress comes in through your daily life. Together we evolve the your nervous system with technology strategies to adapt rather than defend. Through your nervous system you will strengthen a platform for a life of continued growth and evolution. The hallmarks of real wellness.
We are dedicated to helping people DISCOVER their body’s innate healing wisdom, TRANSFORM their lives, and AWAKEN to their highest potential. We use the cutting edge technology of NetworkSpinal to create more free flowing connection between the brain, body, heart, and soul. Each individual has a unique story and we believe through our care, we help each practice member feel WHOLE so they can bring their UNIQUE gifts to the world.
We are dedicated to creating and maintaining a sacred healing space where the uniqueness of YOU is seen. You are cared for with the same integrity, passion, and commitment we show our own family. We are also the home for many talented healing practitioners aligned with our mission.
Getting out of Pain and Symptoms and getting onto the path of thriving starts here.
Ready to make a new client or regularly scheduled appointment?

Network Spinal
Network Spinal or Network 2.0 is the newest version of what was known as Network Spinal Analysis that we offer in our office. It is a holistic technique focusing on analyzing spinal cord tension patterns found in a person's spine due to acute and chronic stresses. The application is a series of gentle contacts on the spine that stimulates the nervous system, allowing the body to self-regulate and dissipate tension. Network Spinal creates two healing waves through the spine that promote self-healing, release of old behaviors/patterns, and replaces them with more optimal strategies for optimal living.
SomatoRespritory Integration (SRI)
The gentle force of your breath and respiratory patterns, coupled with light movement and delicate touch, enables you to focus in on your own physical rhythms and simultaneously tap in to the healing power of your inner self.
Somato Respiratory Integration allows you to recognize the connection of mind, body, and spirit and focus in on the mind’s innate ability to help heal and revitalize you. SRI enhances your ability to respond well to stress, adapt to changing situations, and stay mentally and physically healthy
SoulPowered Woman
Because I know her, I feel her. I was her. And I struggled for so long to find my way. Now I give her a bridge because I would have loved to have that bridge when I was her.
Body Centered Workshops and Retreats Support the Divine Feminine in a New World
The Divine Feminine within us all is being beckoned, more than ever, to usher in this new age – and we are excited to share the strategies of being fierce, feminine and free with fellow change agents on this journey.
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“People come because they are out of alignment. They stay because they learn to use their body and the symptoms as a catalyst for change. ”
People come to Magnolia BECAUSE they are in Pain. they Stay because they experience transformation.
Why People seek care
Anxiety / Depression / Bereavement
Decreased Flexibility
Limited Range of Motion
Loss of Vitality / Inspiration
Muscle Tension or Weakness
Numbness / Loss of Sensation
Poor Posture / Scoliosis
Sports Injury
Some of the comments our people share after their adjustments
Centered in Body
Breathing Easier
Comfort Sitting / Standing
Connected to Self
Contentment / Gratitude
Greater Adaptability to Stress
Emotionally Aware
Energy / Physical Vitality
Excited / Interested in Life
Extraordinary Joy, Happiness & Grace
Feeling Healthier
Harmony with Loved Ones
Improved Self Image
Mental Clarity / Focus
Motivation / Productivity
Pain Resolution
Spinal Flexibility